Burton at Bideford, 2023
Burton at Bideford, 2023
Burton at Bideford, 2023
Burton at Bideford, 2023
Burton at Bideford, 2023
Burton at Bideford Installation, 2023
Ignite, 2022
Peony, 2022
Cristea Roberts, London, 2020
Kasmin Gallery, New York, 2020
Sparkler , 2020
Titanium Salute, 2020
Torch, 2020
White Stars, 2020
Grey Waterfall , 2019
Kamuro , 2019
Red Rain, 2019
Red Sparkle, 2019
Neon Bang, 2018
Video: Painting Neon Bang, 2018
Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Pressed Circle, 2012
Staggered Lines: Flake White, 2012
Staggered Lines: Mode, 2012
Large Black Staggered Lines Drawing: No. 3, 2011
Poured Lines: Studio Black, No. 1, 2011
Staggered Lines: Noir, 2011
Black: Albers Study , 2010
Staggered Lines: Charcoal Black, 2010
Staggered lines: Tangerine, 2010
Staggered Lines: Violet, 2010
Untitled, 2007
White Dots on Coloured Ground, 2007
Poured Lines: Purple, 2006-2007
Electric Fan Drawing (Multicolour), 2006
Electric Fan Drawing Turquoise and Orange, 2006
Electric Fan Drawing with Blue, No. 1, 2006
Electric Fan Study: Blue, Orange and Pink , 2006
Electric Fan Study: Blue, Yellow and Orange, 2006
Magenta, 2006
Orange, 2006
Poured Lines: Signal Red, 2006
Poured Lines: Studio Pink No. 1 , 2006
Staggered Lines: Post Box Red, 2006
Untitled, 2006
White, 2006
Poured Lines: Orange, 2005
Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2004
Installation of Large Circle, 2004
Large Circle, 2004
Poured Lines: Mixed Coloured Inks, 2004
Small Circle, 2003
Splat Drawing, 2003
Untitled, 2003
Untitled, 2003
Poured Lines: Black Ink on White Paper, 2001
Watering Can Drawing: Diagonal Grid, 1992-94
Watering Can Drawing: Scored, 1992-94
Untitled, 1992
Untitled, 1992
Untitled, 1992
Untitled, 1992
Untitled, 1992
Watering Can Drawing: No. 01, 1992
Watering Can Drawing: No. 08, 1992
Watering Can Drawing: No. 2, 1992
Electric Fan Drawing, 1989
Electric Fan Drawing No. 1, 1989
Electric Fan Study on Black, 1989
Residue, 1989
Brushstroke No. 1, 1988
Brushstroke No. 2, 1988
Erased Lines (One), 1988
Erased Lines (Seven), 1988
Erased Lines (Six), 1988
Erased Lines (Two), 1988
Burton at Bideford
Ian's studio